


Commodity Overview

Make the most of peaches when they are in season as they are often a summertime favorite with shoppers across the country. Offer white-flesh and yellow-flesh peaches to attract consumers who like each type. Clearly label the two types as they look similar from the outside.


4399 Indian
4043 yellow, tree-ripened, small
3116 yellow, tree-ripened, small, east
4044 yellow, tree-ripened, large
3117 yellow, tree-ripened, large, east
4400 white, small
4401 white, large
3313 white, tree-ripened, small
3314 white, tree-ripened, large
4402 yellow, small, East
4037 yellow, small, West
4403 yellow, large, East
4038 yellow, large, West
3113 donut/flat Chinese
Retail Price Data is based on USDA Specialty Crops Market News surveys. Data collection ends on the report date and encompasses ad pricing good from the Saturday before the report release date through the following Friday. Weekly data - from over 400 retailers, comprising more than 30,000 individual stores with online weekly advertised features - covers over 250 produce items. Registered (logged-in) users, can access weekly reports and additional market information.
USDA Specialty Crops Market News publishes FOB and Movement data on a daily and weekly basis. Pricing and volume information is aggregated by commodity and published weekly, subject to any source-data adjustments. Commodity data is further processed based on origin (domestic vs imports) and type (regular vs. organic). Registered (logged-in) users, can access weekly reports and additional market information.


  • Peaches offer health benefits from healthy eyes to a healthy heart. Peaches contain vitamin A. which helps maintain healthy eyes and skin. They also contain antioxidants that have been shown to help prevent cancer. Eating stone fruit like peaches can help prevent obesity-related diseases like diabetes. The choline found in peaches helps support a healthy heart.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the following nutrient content descriptors for peaches: fat-free, saturated fat-free, sodium-free, cholesterol-free, high in vitamin A and a good source of vitamin C.

Sales Strategies

  • Peaches are a summertime favorite in many recipes, so cross-merchandise them with canning jars and supplies, baking goods, fruit salad ingredients and pie crusts.
  • Peaches are available nearly year-round, but supply peaks during the summer months. Promote them heavily when supplies are readily available.
  • Fall: Peaches make a great addition to kids’ school lunches. Include them in back-to-school promotions.
  • Winter: Encourage consumers to add sliced peaches to holiday party fruit trays.
  • Spring: As supplies begin to become more plentiful, promote peaches as part of Easter and Mother’s Day promotions. Encourage consumers to think about including them in green and fruit salads.
  • Summer: Promote peaches as a healthy, refreshing summertime snack. Include peaches in summertime baking displays as peach cobbler is always a summertime favorite.
  • Offer samples of white-flesh and yellow-flesh varieties to help consumers become familiar with their differing flavors.
  • Run a single-price promotion on peaches and nectarines to move more of both fruits

Dynamic Displays

  • Offer white-flesh and yellow-flesh peaches to attract consumers who like each type. Clearly label the two types as they look similar from the outside.
  • Peaches bruise easily so use care when stocking your display. Avoid stacking them or dumping them on the display. Keep a careful eye on your peach display and remove any damaged fruit quickly.
  • Display peaches with other tree fruit like nectarines, plums and apricots. During peak season offer plentiful quantities to make a large, attractive display.
  • Place peaches next to plums to create an eye-catching color break.
  • Avoid placing peaches and nectarines right next to each other as their similarity in looks can send consumers home with the wrong item.
  • Include ripening information on your display so consumers know how to ripen the fruit at home.

Food Service

  • Add peaches to breakfast bars as a topping for yogurt.
  • During the summer, consider adding sliced peaches to salads and salad bars.
  • Peaches add a sweet flavor to drinks, including frozen daiquiris, smoothies and milkshakes.
  • Make peach cobbler and peach pie staples of your summertime dessert menu.
  • Sliced peaches are a healthy option to add to your children’s menu.
  • Make peaches into jellies and jams.

In the Backroom

38-lb. ¾-bushel cartons/crates 35-lb. cartons 26-lb. cartons, loose 25-lb. ½-bushel cartons/crates 22-lb. cartons, 2-layer tray pack 18-lb. cartons/lugs, 2-layer (Chile) 18-lb. Western peach boxes 11-lb. crates/flats, 1-layer tray pack 10-lb. cartons 9-lb. cartons, 1-layer RPC -- 6416

United States U.S. Fancy U.S. Extra No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Washington Washington Extra Fancy Washington Fancy Washington No. 2

Temperature: shipping point and in transit, 32 to 34 F (0 to 1 C); receiving, 51 to 77 F (10.6 to 25 C) Relative humidity: 90-95% Mist: no Typical shelf life: 14 to 21 days Ethylene producer (Do not store or transport ethylene-sensitive items with commodities that produce ethylene.) Highly sensitive to freezing injury. (Likely to suffer injury by one light freezing.) The popular red blush may be present on peaches in varying degrees depending upon the variety, but it is not a true sign of maturity.


1 lb. = about 2 large or 3 medium-sized peaches 1 lb. = about 2 cups peeled/sliced 1 lb. = about 1½ cups peeled/pureed


Zedbros Foods

Overview (2)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Exporter, Importer
Location HQ:
Grapefruit, Oranges, Clementines / Mandarins / Tangerines
Deciduous Fruit:
Grapes, Pomegranates
Stone Fruit:
Nectarines, Peaches
Tropical Fruit:

The Stone Fruit Company LLC

Overview (2)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Palisade, 81526-8701 Colorado
Stone Fruit:
Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums
Organic Produce:
Organic Cherries, Organic Peaches

Whitacre Family Farms

Overview (1)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Grower, Shipper, Wholesaler, Processor
Location HQ:
Cross Junction, 22625 Virginia
Blackberries, Raspberries
Deciduous Fruit:
Stone Fruit:
Cooking Vegetables:
Salad Vegetables:

Raiwal Agro Tech Foods

Overview (1)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Exporter, Grower, Importer, Wholesaler, Processor
Location HQ:
Surrey, V3Z 1C3 British Columbia
Blueberries, Strawberries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Grapes, Pears

Dorian & Sons Produce LLC

Overview (4)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Tampa, 33604 Florida
Blueberries, Strawberries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Clementines / Mandarins / Tangerines
Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Watermelon
Stone Fruit:
Fordel Logo PNG Format

Fordel Marketing LLC

Overview (6)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Fresno, 93711 California
Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries
Deciduous Fruit:
Grapes, Pomegranates
Cantaloupe, Honeydew
Stone Fruit:
Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches

International Fruit Company Inc HQ

Overview (6)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Grower, Shipper
Location HQ:
Hammonton, 08037 New Jersey
Lemons, Oranges, Clementines / Mandarins / Tangerines
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Grapes, Pears
Stone Fruit:
Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches

Rogers Orchards

Overview (1)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Grower, Retailer
Location HQ:
Southington, 06489 Connecticut
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Pears
Stone Fruit:

Direct Organics Plus Ltd

Overview (1)   (0)   (0)  
Location HQ:
Cawston, V0X 1C1 British Columbia
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Pears
Stone Fruit:
Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums

Graves Farm & Garden

Overview (3)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Grower, Retailer
Location HQ:
Roswell, 88203 New Mexico
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Pears
Cantaloupe, Watermelon
Stone Fruit:
Peaches, Plums

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