Asian Pears

Asian Pears

Asian Pears

Commodity Overview

Asian pears have become more familiar to shoppers over the past decade, making them a common sight in many produce departments. They can give a significant boost to the bottom line, especially if your store caters to a large Asian population. Experiment with them to see if they are popular with your consumers.


4406 white
4407 yellow
4408 brown
Retail Price Data is based on USDA Specialty Crops Market News surveys. Data collection ends on the report date and encompasses ad pricing good from the Saturday before the report release date through the following Friday. Weekly data - from over 400 retailers, comprising more than 30,000 individual stores with online weekly advertised features - covers over 250 produce items. Registered (logged-in) users, can access weekly reports and additional market information.
USDA Specialty Crops Market News publishes FOB and Movement data on a daily and weekly basis. Pricing and volume information is aggregated by commodity and published weekly, subject to any source-data adjustments. Commodity data is further processed based on origin (domestic vs imports) and type (regular vs. organic). Registered (logged-in) users, can access weekly reports and additional market information.


  • Asian pears offer plenty of health benefits. They are high in vitamin C, which has been shown to help prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke. Asian pears also contain Vitamin A, which can keep eyes, hair and gums healthy.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the following nutrient content descriptors for asian pears: low-calorie, fat-free, saturated fat-free, cholesterol-free, sodium-free, a good source of vitamin C, and a good source of vitamin A.

Sales Strategies

  • Let consumers know that asian pears have a variety of uses by cross-merchandising them with baking mixes, pie crusts, cobbler ingredients and salads.
  • Asian pears are available year-round so try some of these seasonal promotions:
  • Fall: Include asian pears in seasonal pear promotions. Don’t forget to promote them as an easy addition to the back-to-school lunch box.
  • Winter: Asian pears are a clear winner when it comes to Chinese New Year promotions, especially in areas with a large Asian population. Include asian pears in winter holiday sales and promote them as a different flavor to add to fruit salads.
  • Spring: Consider promoting asian pears as a fresh and easy snack for those who love outdoor activities. Include asian pears in Easter and Mother’s Day promotions.
  • Summer: Asian pears can offer a new flavor to traditional apple pie. Include them in traditional summertime promotions around Memorial Day and the Fourth of July.
  • Sampling is key to moving product as many consumers are unfamiliar with asian pears’ flavor.

Dynamic Displays

  • Asian pears offer year-round availability, which means you can create awareness of pears year-round in your department.
  • In areas where asian pears sell well, offer several different varieties to create a larger display and to draw more attention to the fruit. Use signs to inform consumers of the differences between varieties and the differences between asian pears and the more typical pear varieties.
  • Considering placing asian pears in the tropical section to avoid consumers having sticker shock when they are placed next to regular pear varieties. Their exotic look and flavor allow them to fit in well with the tropical.

Food Service

  • Include asian pears on cheese trays, especially those paired with wine.
  • Poach or sauté asian pears as a flavorful side dish.
  • Replace apples with asian pears in baked goods to offer a unique twist on old favorites.
  • Include asian pears on a breakfast bar as a different option from the regular bananas and oranges.

In the Backroom

10-lb. cartons, 1-layer 22-lb. cartons, 2-layer RPC 6409, 6411

There are no U.S. grade standards for asian pears.

Temperature: 34 to 36 F (1 to 2 C) Relative humidity: 90-95% Mist: No Typical shelf life: 10 to 15 days Ethylene sensitive (Do not store or transport with commodities that produce ethylene.) Odor-sensitive (Will absorb odors produced by potatoes, bulb onions or any strong-flavored item.) Moderately sensitive to freezing injury.


Loffredo Fresh Produce Co Inc HQ

Overview (7)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Wholesaler, Software & Systems
Location HQ:
Des Moines, 50321 Iowa
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Strawberries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Clementines / Mandarins / Tangerines
Deciduous Fruit:

Wholesale Produce Supply LLC HQ

Overview (19)   (8)   (19)  
Business Type:
Broker, Exporter, Importer, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
Minneapolis, 55414 Minnesota
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Strawberries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges, Clementines / Mandarins / Tangerines

American Fruit & Produce Corp

Overview (2)   (0)   (8)  
Business Type:
Exporter, Shipper, Importer, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
Miami, 33147 Florida
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Strawberries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges, Clementines / Mandarins / Tangerines

B & R Stores Inc

Overview (1)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Retailer, Nursery/Florist
Location HQ:
Lincoln, 68503 Nebraska
Blackberries, Blueberries
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Asian Pears
Stone Fruit:
Tropical Fruit:
Avocados, Bananas
Cooking Vegetables:
Artichokes, Asparagus, Beets

Lotto International Inc

Overview (0)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
McAllen, 68504 Texas
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Gold Raspberries, Red Raspberries, Strawberries, Specialty Berries, Red Currants
Sanwa Food Group Logo

Sanwa Growers Inc

Overview (3)   (0)   (7)  
Business Type:
Grower, Shipper, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
Tampa, 33680 Florida
Lemons, Limes, Oranges
Deciduous Fruit:
Asian Pears
Tropical Fruit:
Avocados, Bananas, Mangoes, Papayas, Pineapple
Cooking Vegetables:

Bonsai Produce and Distribution Inc

Overview (5)   (0)   (2)  
Business Type:
Broker, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
Austell, 30168-7891 Georgia
Salad Vegetables:
Broccoli, Celery, Onions, Green
Cooking Vegetables:
Napa Cabbage
Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Gold Raspberries, Red Raspberries

Five Diamond Cold Storage Inc

Overview (3)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Broker, Exporter, Grower, Shipper, Importer, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
EXETER, 93221 California
Grapefruit, Oranges
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Asian Pears, Grapes, Champagne Grapes
Stone Fruit:

T Castro Produce

Overview (3)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Chicago, 60632 Illinois
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Specialty Berries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges

Freshko Produce Services Inc

Overview (4)   (0)   (6)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Fresno, 93725 California
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Specialty Berries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges

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